You are always welcome to contact Philip Wilson at PHOTONOMY.

Please leave a message:

  • if you would like to reach out about any aspect of photography, or share your own images or reaction to a photographic location or image featured on Photonomy

  • if you would like to discuss the possibility of tuition or workshops in West Wales

  • if you would like to share your thoughts on the layout of the site

  • if you would like to initiate a discussion on techniques, equipment or any related issue

  • if you would like to enquire about the possible purchase or licensing of an image

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to contact me: I will ensure a speedy response. Philip Wilson

    Once we have established initial contact via the form we can continue informally via email or text, so please don’t be put off by the form!

  • …or:

  • Instagram: philip_wilson_photonomy

  • Flickr:


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